Everyone Needs a Second Chance
God made us. He knows all about our flaws, weaknesses, and mess-us. Because he made us and knows us better than we even know ourselves, he understands that all of us need second chances. God knows that everybody needs a mulligan from time to time.
In the Mulligan message series, Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D., walks us through the unusual story of a man named Jonah. Through the weakness of this man, we see a little of ourselves and we see a lot about the God who simply refuses to give up on less-than-perfect people.
Get Swept into the Moment of God
The book of Acts tells the earliest history of the Christian Church. The name itself “book of Acts” suggests that that our faith is anything but passive. We are a people, from the very beginning, defined by faith and action.
While the world has changed a lot over the past two thousand years, one thing hasn’t – the Lord’s heart for lost people.
Exploring the historical roots of our faith in the book of Acts, Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D., demonstrates how we can continue to be powerful witnesses of Jesus Christ in our day and age. Witnesses is a call to get off the pews and swept into the dynamic movement of God that was launched in the book of Acts.
God is Greater Than. . .
What fears keep you up at night? In this message series, Gordon Dabbs takes on the greatest challenges we face and reveals, from God's Word, how God is big enough to help us handle anything life throws at us.