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Welcome to Prestoncrest!

New Here? Welcome!

Click PLAY to hear a special welcome message from Dr. Gordon Dabbs. Prestoncrest members hail from OVER 100 DIFFERENT ZIP CODES around the Metroplex. It's family. It's friends. It's a place to call home. FIND YOURSELF HERE. Join us this Sunday - we'd love to meet you!

First Time Here?

Prestoncrest is a dynamic family of believers of Jesus Christ in the heart of Dallas, Texas. If you are able to join us in person, you’re likely to find someone here a lot like yourself. We are a diverse community focused on following Jesus in discipleship. All ages and life stages are welcome! We view Dallas as our mission field and we believe that God has put us here for a reason, and He has big plans for this congregation. Our primary focus: Passion for God & Compassion for People. Want to know more? Check us out here... or better yet, join us in person! Come learn more about Jesus. Find your ministry. Come grow your faith. FIND YOURSELF HERE. We look forward to meeting you!

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  • Sundays

    What time do you begin? What should I wear? Are there classes? Do you offer live-streaming? Discover the answers to these questions and more.

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  • What We Believe

    We ground our beliefs on the Bible, the inspired Word of God, and worship the God revealed through scripture: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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  • KidsLife

    From birth through 6th grade, our fun and engaging Bible-based programs share Jesus, His story, and how to love and follow Him.

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  • PCYG / Youth Group

    For 7th-12th graders, our relevant, interactive, and fun classes and groups teach our teens more about Jesus and His love for them.

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  • Meet Our Ministers & Staff

    Our ministers & staff strive to create a safe, caring, welcoming place where everyone can have the opportunity to seek Jesus and be encouraged.

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  • Meet Our Elders & Deacons

    Our elders and deacons give their time, hearts, and energy each week to help make this a safe, welcoming place that feels like "home."

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Grow at Prestoncrest

  • Bible Classes Depositphoto2

    Bible Classes

    Bible classes at Prestoncrest are more than a place of learning. They are a place of belonging, service, and prayer. Our large variety of classes for adults, as well as for kids and students, provide the opportunity to find an ideal fit. Sharing life, celebrating victories, and supporting each another are just a few of the key ingredients that make each class feel like family. Join us as we grow our faith together through the study of God’s Word. Find a class that's just right for you!

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  • Small Groups

    Small Groups

    Small groups are places of involvement, growth and ministry. Relationships are formed and strengthened. People are introduced to Jesus, and get to know Him better. Lives are changed! Prestoncrest is excited to offer a large variety of groups for adults and families that meet in a variety of locations across the metroplex. Students in grades 7-12 also have groups geared just for them during the school year. No matter your age or life stage, there's a group for you!

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  • Rockwall Lake Sunset 1

    Spiritual Formation

    Are you a seasoned Christian, looking for something deeper? Is your heart ready for a more in-depth study of the scripture and how it can further impact your heart and your life? Spiritual formation is not an event, a retreat, a book, or a class. It is a life-long process of internal change that takes place in solitude, community and service. It is God’s work... but requires our participation. Explore the variety of opportunities available to grow your walk with Jesus.

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Latest Series • Sundays 8:30 & 10:45 am

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Kingdom Come ~ A Study of Colossians

Being IN but not OF the World

As followers of Christ, we’re called to live in this world but not be defined by it. But what does that look like in our daily lives? How do we engage with culture, relationships, and challenges without compromising our faith? In the Kingdom Come message series by Preaching Minister Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D., we’ll explore Jesus’ call to live set apart, shining His light in a way that transforms rather than conforms. Each message will equip us to stand firm in our identity, make a difference in our communities, and navigate life with a kingdom perspective.

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Latest Series • Sundays 6:00 pm

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One Thing

Life-Changing Lessons from Scripture

In a world full of distractions and endless noise, sometimes what we need most is clarity—a single truth that cuts through the chaos and calls us deeper. One Thing is a powerful sermon series highlighting stand-alone messages from across Scripture, each centered around a singular, life-changing lesson. Through a diverse range of biblical texts and voices, this series is designed to strengthen your faith and equip you with the wisdom and spiritual tools you need to live out your Christ-calling in everyday life. Whether you’re just beginning your faith journey or have walked with Jesus for years, these messages will inspire and challenge you to focus on what truly matters.

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