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Neighborhood Watch 16x9 title

Neighborhood Watch

Learning to Love our Neighbors

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Sounds simple, but somehow, people over the years have made complicated and confusing. In this series from Gordon Dabbs, we learn how to do "neighboring," how to get back to the basic principle of caring for the people God put in our lives.

Crossing The Jordan 16x9 Title

Crossing the Jordan

An in-depth study of the book of Joshua

"Be strong and courageous and do not be afraid". The are words God spoke to Joshua as the young leader was preparing to spearhead the conquest of the promised land. In the pages of the book of Joshua, we encounter success and failure in a variety of situations as real people move in to occupy their new homeland. In this message series, Gordon teaches powerfully through the Old Testament book of Joshua.

Investment 16x9 Title

Investment of a Lifetime

A Biblical Perspective on Managing our Money

One of the greatest concerns people have is about money. Debt, unemployment, the stock market, retirement, and so many other issues cause anxiety for many people. In these lessons, Gordon Dabbs, opens up the Bible and teaches through practical advice for us on how we handle our money.