Reclaim Life • Rediscover Rest
Feeling overwhelmed? You're not alone. Most of us do! Endless demands. High expectations. Stifling routines. In the midst of stressful schedules, the Lord calls us to rest - to enjoy the sacred rhythm of shalom that He established from the very creation of the world. In this series from Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D., hear the call of God. Reclaim life. Rediscover rest.
Out of Your Mind
Break the Strongholds of Toxic Thinking
What thoughts hold you captive? “God can’t love me.” “I’ll never change.” “I’ll always be a victim.” Imagine the potential that could be released in us if we were able to break free from the spiral of toxic thoughts.
In this message series from Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D, we will equip and inspire us “to take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ” and experience our true potential as God’s children.
Experiencing God, Knowing His Presence
“Consider the lilies”. Jesus taught that we observe God’s care and love even in the flowers growing in a field. “The Heavens declare the glory of God.” The Psalmist claims that we can see the awesome spender of the One we worship by just looking up.
The presence and power of God are wired into the world. Once we know what to look for, we can see and experience our Lord in all places. . .at all times. In the “Everywhere” message series from Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D., we will find out how to meet God in everyday ways and places.