Walk in the Light
Conversations about discipleship from the book of 1 John
What does it look like to live out the implications of the Gospel in our day and time? The book of 1 John provides the theological framework for what we believe about the world and how to work out the truths of Jesus Christ through our lifestyles. In this message series, you will encounter deep truths and clear answers for everyday life.
1 Kings
Israel's history and our world today
The experiences of God-fearing people from long ago provide guidance for people of faith today. Learn more in this message series from First Kings presented by Gordon Dabbs.
Gospel Reboot
Clear thinking about God, Us, and the Culture from Romans 1
Everyone has a worldview. This is the set of default beliefs that shape how you understand yourself and the purpose of your time on earth. In this series from the first chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans, Gordon Dabbs provides the infrastructure for answering life's big questions.