Women's Ministry
Events, studies, and ministry... for women of all ages!

Heart Sisters
This ministry began with the desire to give younger and older ladies an opportunity to get together monthly in homes for Bible study, prayer, fun, and mentoring. Groups enjoy food, fellowship, and time together. The original groups were launched in 2017 (pre-covid). New groups with new leadership are now underway and we are excited about what lies ahead. Click below for details and/or to add your name to the list!

Women of Worship
WoW meets during the school year on Tuesday mornings. Ladies of all ages are invited to an uplifting time of Bible study and fellowship! The morning begins with coffee treats and fellowship before a short worship time, Bible study, and discussion. Once a month, make plans to be there for "lunch bunch" with a variety of menus and fun fellowship opportunities. Service opportunities and more are also on the schedule. Visit the WoW page for all the details & our weekly schedule.

United Love Ladies' Day
Join us for an amazing day of celebrating God and his love that unites us.

Apples of Gold
Inspired by the Titus command for older women to train younger women, Apples of Gold began at Prestoncrest in 2003. This 7-week mentoring program is held annually in March and April. Each week, 10 young women are hosted for an evening of appetizers and an entertaining demonstration, followed by a lesson taught by one of the mentors and a delicious “themed” meal. Participants enjoy the hospitality of 7 different Prestoncrest women and the Bible lessons of 6 teaching mentors.