As the Berlin Wall began its fall in November of 1989, the hope of being able sharing Jesus beyond The Wall became a reality. Prestoncrest was one of many churches to answer the call of providing one-time financial support to kick off these new opportunities. In 1990, Prestoncrest held a special giving event to provide for these mission efforts.
In the years that followed, these one-time requests continued to come in from different missionaries around the world. To define this new opportunity to support special requests, 5th Sundays became the designated days for those collections to happen. What once began as an effort to evangelize after The Wall fell, has developed into a way to support special requests from the mission field in a profound way.
Today at Prestoncrest, that program is known as WorldCare.
The WorldCare ministry at Prestoncrest supports a variety of good works going on around the world with these one-time funds. Each time a month has 5 Sundays, a collection is taken up on the last Sunday. Funds donated go toward different one-time needs each time, and each recipient is researched and selected by our elders.
Giving to WorldCare
We are so thankful for the donations given to support WorldCare good works. Many are blessed each time we have a WorldCare Sunday.
There are 4 easy ways to donate any time toward this special fund:
- TEXT-TO-GIVE: text the $, a space, and the word WORLD to 972-884-5050. (Example: Text 40 WORLD to donate $40)
- ONLINE: click the word GIVE at the top of the screen, scroll down to SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS, and follow the instructions
- IN PERSON: Drop donations* in the World Care dropbox in the foyer at Prestoncrest
- MAIL* TO: Prestoncrest, 12700 Preston Rd #210, Dallas, Tx 75230
*Writing a check? Please ONLY write “WORLD CARE” in the memo line (as opposed to an individual work) so Elders can distribute funds as needed.
Zimbabwe Rural Missions (ZRM) supports rural, local congregations. Two congregations, Chigavakava and Daramombe, lack a permanent worship structure, with the Daramombe church meeting under a tree. The two congregations are raising funds to establish a more permanent structure. In November, local members set a goal to raise $5,000 USD towards a structure. As of February, $2,000 has been raised. A portion of March's WorldCare will support ZRM to accomplish their fundraising goals.
Clay & Emily Fowler will be returning to work in Japan for 6 weeks this summer, invited by the Tachikawa Church of Christ in Tokyo. There they will continue with outreach, including English classes and fellowships for adults, music classes for families with young children, and Clay will preach a 3-week series. The plan is to begin long-term mission work there starting in Fall 2026, so part of this trip will also be spent deep-diving into the Visa process, international moving, apartment hunting, and language schools. (Clay is the son of Prestoncrest members Tom and Nancy Fowler.)
Orphan’s Lifeline was started in 2000 by preachers and members from a church in Kalispell, Montana. This non-profit has grown steadily over the years, helping thousands of widows and orphaned/vulnerable children with food, clothing, medical attention, and education, while sharing the story of Jesus. Many other Churches of Christ have supported this amazing ministry, including Eastridge Church of Christ in Rockwall, but additional support is needed as they minister in the name of Jesus. www.orphanslifeline.org
Next Generation for Christ is a missions, evangelism, and discipleship ministry active in the US and 20+ countries that is devoted to sharing Jesus and equipping and training others to reach today's generation for Christ. Next Gen’s videos, seminars, and workshops teach the redemptive story of Jesus and are used by youth groups, missionaries, and churches. Their Redemption Film Series (www.StoryofRedempfilms.com) is available in 50+ languages, and their 25+ online groups are used all around the world to further the kingdom. www.NextGenerationforChrist.com
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
World Christian Broadcasting is a non-profit that transmits God’s Word via shortwave broadcasting, reaching millions daily. Messages are transmitted in Arabic, English, Mandarin, Russian and Spanish. The good news from WCB reaches Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and South America, via towers in Alaska and Madagascar. To continue operating the tower in Madagascar, an ATV is needed to provide staff with quick and reliable transportation.
Great Cities Ministries provides annual Connections Renewal Retreats for both men and women in the mission field. These retreats take place in Latin America in English, Spanish and Portuguese, with an average of 50-60 at each event. This month’s World Care is providing funds to help with the costs to provide the upcoming women’s retreat.
GTS Life (Grow, Thrive, Serve) helps people, small groups, and churches discover and utilize their God-given spiritual gifts. Their outreach has included individuals and churches in the US and Europe, primarily in Italy, Romania, Albania, France, Greece, and the UK. One of their ministry team, Caleb Elrod, is temporarily relocating to Italy in February to work with churches in Vicenza and Ferrara, with a focus on young adults.
Enoch Mbaihondoume in Chad - Flooding occurred in Moundou, Chad that caused our missionary’s (Enoch's) mother’s house to collapse while she was inside with children. Thankfully, no one was injured. His mother is left homeless and needs help to rebuild her house. Some of this month's funds raised will help purchase supplies for rebuilding.
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
Water for West Africa provides sustainable solutions for clean water, healthy living, education, and the message of God’s love. Since 1987, approximately 1,300 wells have been drilled to serve approximately 1.8 million people. By providing clean water, evangelists are able to minister to communities and share the news of Jesus. In the past 33 years, their efforts have helped to establish approximately 750 churches and baptize approximately 50,000 individuals. “...I was thirsty… and you gave me a drink…Mathew 25:35 www.waterforwestafrica.org. Funds given this month will support this ministry, as well as other one-time needs as they arise.
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
Guatemala Mission Trip: This year 70 volunteers (33 PCYG students and 37 adults) will travel to and work in Guatemala. One team of youth will deliver food bags and water filters. Another team will complete construction projects in each of the 4 cities we will be visiting. This is the first year that Prestoncrest will host medical clinics in 4 cities and we are expecting 300-400 patients each day. Your generous support will purchase medical supplies, medicine, food bags, and construction supplies for Guatemala, as well as other one-time needs as they arise.
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
Tim Yeager, Chief Information Officer for WBS, has been asked to speak again at the upcoming Mediterranean Christian Conference in Athens, Greece. World Bible School provides online Bible-based lessons for individuals to learn at their own pace and with the help of a mentor. Tim is requesting funds to help with travel expenses to Athens for the conference. www.worldbibleschool.org
Clay & Emily Fowler will be traveling to Tokyo, Japan, this Summer for a six-week mission trip. The Tachikawa Church of Christ has invited them to help with outreach, which includes English classes and fellowships for adults, music classes for families with young children, and Clay will teach a 3-week Sunday sermon series. The Fowlers are considering long-term mission work in Japan, as well, and this trip will provide much-needed culture immersion, connections with local ministers, and missions exploration. www.fowlersinjapan.org
Next Generation for Christ is a missions, evangelism, and discipleship ministry active in the US and 20+ countries that is devoted to sharing Jesus and equipping and training others to reach today's generation for Christ. Next Gen’s videos, seminars, and workshops teach the redemptive story of Jesus and are used by youth groups, missionaries, and churches. Their Redemption Film Series (www.StoryofRedempfilms.com) is available in 50+ languages, and their 25+ online groups are used all around the world to further the kingdom. www.NextGenerationforChrist.com
Javier Leon works with Churches all over South America to educate and establish Church leadership. With these funds, we are assisting Javier as he undergoes an unplanned surgery, plus any necessary things he will require as he recovers.
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
World Bible School's mission is to share Jesus with the world by motivating and equipping the global network of Christians. Funds will be used by WBS to craft vibrant and relevant study tools to empower every Christian of every age to effectively share Jesus. www.worldbibleschool.org
Croatia for Christ's ministry spreads The Good News as well as raises the visibility of the Churches of Christ in The Republic of Croatia and surrounding countries of southeastern Europe. Our funds will be used to support Croatia for Christ and their works in Croatia.
Oasis Ministries assists Christians in India, and support is needed for their work. Oasis is under the oversight of Church of Christ Elderships from the Dubai CoC, Putrela CoC and the Naperville CoC.
World English Institute uses Bible based lessons to teach English to people, free of charge, in order to help them communicate effectively and to gain upward mobility in a world market using the English language. Their mission is to lead people to higher ground spiritually by using Bible stories to illustrate English grammar. Funds will be used to support WEI in their work throughout the world in spreading the good news. www.worldenglishinstitute.net
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
Great Cities Ministries provides annual Connections Renewal Retreats for both men and women in the mission field. These retreats take place in Latin America in English, Spanish and Portuguese, with an average of 50-60 at each event. This month’s World Care is providing funds to help with the costs to provide the upcoming women’s retreat.
Zimbabwe Rural Missions (ZRM) goal is to establish two new congregations in the area. The local Marenga Church of Christ and Sadzi Church of Christ are leading the charge in this effort, alongside 3 preachers: James Abraham, Blessed Marufu, and Nesbert Zvinzveku. This month’s World Care will be providing funds to help establish these new churches.
Three churches in Ghana are in need of funds to help with repairs/expansion: the Nborlando church building, Kimoitiek church building, and a small Guest House at the Soboba Church of Christ. These efforts have been in process for some time, and this month’s World Care funds will support the completion of these projects.
The Young Adults Summit in Honduras is being coordinated by Javier & Karla Leon, and is part of their “Expansion 20/30” ministry for adults in their 20’s/30’s. The Leons have invested a lot of time providing young adults with spiritual tools and challenging them to take their role in the Kingdom! This month’s World Care will help support this event.
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
Hands of Compassion (HOC) in Rochester, Minnesota was founded in 1977 to provide short-term housing accommodations to patients and their caregivers that have traveled to receive care at the nearby Mayo Clinic. HOC is rooted in the biblical example of compassion by ministering to the sick, the afflicted, and the emotionally distressed who are receiving care at the Mayo Clinic. The HOC is in need of funds to help expand their housing to care for a wider variety of people, including those with disabilities and for those with families/children. Learn more about their ministry @ https://www.hocrochester.com
World Christian Broadcasting (WCB) spreads God’s Word via international shortwave broadcasting. They are able to share the Good News to millions each day. Many of their listeners have no other way of hearing it otherwise! KNLS, located at the top of the world in Anchor Point, Alaska, has been on the air since 1983. The newest station in Madagascar (in the Indian Ocean) began operating in March 2016. WCB exists so that people in places best served by broadcast media become aware of the Good News of Jesus Christ and want to know more. Learn more about this ministry @ http://www.worldchristian.org
George Akpabli is the Director of the Benin Training Center in Benin, Africa and friend of Prestoncrest. George has agreed to travel to Kikwit in the DR of Congo to meet with our missionary, Charma Wampie and the elders of the Kikwit Church of Christ (one of our newer mission works in French-speaking Africa). During George’s visit, he will teach and encourage the leaders and congregation, and provide a report on the work in Kikwit and the 7 new congregations surrounding Kikwit. WorldCare will be providing the financial support required to take care of the travel expenses. (If you haven’t met George yet during one of his visits to Prestoncrest, learn more about him @ https://frenchafricanmissions.com )
The Church in Chimaltenango, Guatemala, under the leadership of Simeon and Maribel Sapon, will be starting a PreK similar to Prestoncrest’s “Sunshine School” as their new school year begins (Jan 2024.) Since many children in Guatemala do not start school until age 7, Prestoncrest is assisting Simeon’s objective to provide Christian teaching and early childhood development for families surrounding the Chimaltenango Church. WorldCare funds will be used to help get the school started by purchasing curriculum, teacher support, and supplies. Find out more about this church and their work on Facebook (search Iglesia de Cristo Chimaltenango).
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
The Village of Hope was founded in 1989, and Prestoncrest became involved with them in 2003. This small orphanage has continued to grow and expand, now providing pre-k to college schooling, vocational training, evangelism, and more. VOH director, Fred Asare, is requesting help to purchase a van that can be used to transport abandoned children to the VOH. www.thevohgroup.org
Made in the Streets mission is to love and serve children from the streets of Nairobi, Kenya - meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs: loving them fully; equipping them to earn a living and sending them out to a new life. For over 30 years, MITS has existed to provide love, education, and job training to young people living on the streets. www.madeinthestreets.org
World Bible School provides online Bible-based lessons for individuals to learn at their own pace and with the help of a mentor. Tim Yeager, the Chief Information Officer for WBS, has been asked to speak at the 5th Mediterranean Christian Conference in Athens, Greece in June. He is requesting funds to help he and his family travel to Athens for the conference. www.worldbibleschool.org
Naperville Church of Christ oversees the ministry and mission efforts of a very special couple that are based in Dubai, but also travel throughout the Middle East to spread the Gospel, plant churches, and train leaders. Naperville is asking for funds to help renew the couples’ visas so they can continue their ministry work, spreading the Good News of Jesus. www.napervillechurch.org
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
Hope for Haiti's Children (www.hopeforhaitischildren.org): HFHC was established in 1995 and works to demonstrate compassion to Haitian children and families living in poverty, providing opportunities for children to become leaders in their communities. HFHC operates 2 orphanages and 10 Christian Schools in the Port-Au-Prince area, and has an enrollment of 2500 children. Support comes primarily from churches of Christ. Many of their students have gone on to become teachers, nurses, preachers, and law enforcement.
French African Christian Education: FACE in Benin is reaching out to the French speaking countries of Africa. In recent years, they have joined hands with us in supporting and evaluating the work at Hilton Terry Bible School. FACE does an outstanding job of providing bibles to non-Christians as well as helping churches build church buildings in which to meet.
Naperville Church of Christ: Supplemental support to provide resources, food, and housing needs for orphan children in India.
Dennis Zolotaryov: Missionary in Ukraine supported by Broken Arrow Church of Christ in Oklahoma. Since the war, Dennis' church planting ministry has changed to refugee care, humanitarian aid, and evacuations. For safety, Dennis' wife and children have fled Ukraine to Central Europe. A portion of funds donated will support Dennis' family while they are separated and Dennis remains in Ukraine.
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
See the video of it HERE! This is a very special effort for one of our long-time missionaries, Andre Kabeya, and his family. Andre is one of 3 teachers at the Hilton Terry Bible School (HTBS), located in the African country of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the city of Kinshasa. It was established by former long-time Prestoncrest missionary, the late Hilton Terry. HTBS offers a 2-year program to train French-speaking evangelists. These students then return to their homes to evangelize locally. Andre is supported by Prestoncrest and has been teaching there since 2004. He and his family recently were victims of a house fire in August, losing their home and possessions. Since then, they have created a makeshift living quarters in the basement of the church, sleeping on cots. For our October World Care, we will be focused on raising the funds needed to rebuild their home and replace necessities. The projected cost is $20,000. Thank you for your generosity as we bless this special missionary and his family!
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
KHON KAEN BIBLE INSTITUTE is under the leadership of Kim Voraritskul, and is training preachers with a goal to plant churches across the 20 provinces in Northeast Thailand. Students come from all over the area to learn, study, graduate, and move to one of the provinces to plant a new congregation. The KKBI graduates receive support for 5 years after graduation, and then become supported by their new congregation or their own vocation.
DAVID & MARY NELSON have lived and worked in New Zealand since 1997. David is the local evangelist for the Otumoetai congregation and serves as the Dean of Academics at the South Pacific Bible College. The Mission Bible Class ministry is spearheaded by Mary Nelson, and provides free children’s Bible class resources, materials, and curriculum via a website www.missionbibleclass.org and YouTube channel www.youtube.com/MissionBibleClass. The MBC website has been visited by 13,146,609 users from over 200 countries to date. The MBC YouTube channel has gained a following of 457,000 subscribers with 2,279,431 views to date, as well.
ROB HINDMAN serves as a Missionary/Minister in Reno, Nevada at a new church plant, 1st Century Church of Christ. They are currently meeting in an office building, online via zoom, and in homes. Their congregation is made up of a variety of ages, from various backgrounds and walks of life. Rob works alongside 2 other ministers - each live and works in Reno, Sparks, Sun Valley, and Truckee area of Nevada. Find out more about Rob and this new, budding congregation on their website at www.1stcentury.church .
GOD'S CHILDREN serves children worldwide with clothes and food. Anne Boyd, who is known to Prestoncrest and is now living in Romania, heads up the operation. Anne and her late husband, Dan, set up the organization and has run God's Children from Dallas, St. George (Romania) as well as Athens (Greece). The program has served many families and children as they introduce them to Jesus.
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
Prestoncrest’s GUATEMALA MISSION TRIP happens each year in early July as members to go to encourage the local missionaries and congregations, and help staff a week-long medical clinic. May’s WorldCare offering will help pay for needed medicine, medical supplies, equipment rental, and clinic costs. Be sure to join us in our Fellowship Hall after worship Service on Sunday night, June 19, to help pack medicine for those headed on the trip!
KHON KAEN BIBLE INSTITUTE is under the leadership of Kim Voraritskul, and is training preachers with a goal to plant churches across the 20 provinces in Northeast Thailand. Students come from all over the area to learn, study, graduate, and move to one of the provinces to plant a new congregation. The KKBI graduates receive support for 5 years after graduation, and then become supported by their new congregation or their own vocation.
ROB HINDMAN serves as a Missionary/Minister in Reno, Nevada at a new church plant, 1st Century Church of Christ. They are currently meeting in an office building, online via zoom, and in homes. Their congregation is made up of a variety of ages, from various backgrounds and walks of life. Rob works alongside 2 other ministers - each live and works in Reno, Sparks, Sun Valley, and Truckee area of Nevada. Find out more about Rob and this new, budding congregation on their website at www.1stcentury.church
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
GOD'S CHILDREN in ROMANIA: We’re thankful you helped us provide for children in desperate need. Now, it is time to come to the aid of our special helpers who are the lifeline to the children, and ailing elderly. You ask, “What do these people do?” Well, they find the ones no one else is watching out for, and provide Bibles in the language of the people, food, vitamins, school supplies, warm clothing, sturdy shoes, medical care, parent training where needed. For the elderly who have no one to help them, our specially trained helpers provide Homecare with love, for example, shopping, cooking, cleaning, bathing. There is no other home care in our county. For more info: http://gods-children.org.
ROMAN & JOHANA HALAMICEK are a young couple working in Bratislava, Slovakia, and are reaching out to the community and the country to introduce Jesus to the part of the Balkans. Johana is reaching out to students at the language school as they become acquainted with the language and the customs of their net environment, somewhat like the Glyfada congregation does in Athens. The couple is expecting their first child this month.
BIBLES FOR FRENCH AFRICAN CHURCHES: French KJV is the complete Bible, Old and New Testaments in durable hardcovers. Distribution is made by graduates of Benin Training Center (BTC) trained preachers to churches in Benin, Ivory Coast, Togo, Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Guinea, Chad, Central Africa Republic, Gabon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Pray for BTC as well as Hilton Terry Bible School.
CHRISTIAN RELIEF FUND (CRF): Children in poverty need protection, support, & care to thrive. CRF has facilitated the support/sponsorship of children for 80 years, making a difference for those in need. Their work is far & wide: Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Mozambique, Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, USA, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, & Vietnam.
One Time: Some funds are also used to support additional one-time requests as they occur.
HOPE FOR HAITI'S CHILDREN was established in 1995 and works to demonstrate compassion to Haitian children and families living in poverty, providing opportunities for children to become leaders in their communities. HFHC operates 2 orphanages and 10 Christian Schools in the Port-Au-Prince area and has an enrollment of 2500 children. Support comes primarily from churches of Christ. Many of their students have gone on to become teachers, nurses, preachers, and law enforcement. www.hopeforhaitischildren.org
WORLD CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING exists so that those best served by broadcast media become aware of the Good News of Jesus Christ. WCB's international shortwave broadcasting communicates to millions every day. KNLS, located at the top of the world in Anchor Point, Alaska, has been on the air since 1983. An additional station is operating in the region of the Indian Ocean and reaches China, Russia, Africa, and the Middle East. www.worldchristian.org
WORLD ENGLISH INSTITUTE has a mission is to teach English to people, free of charge, to help them communicate effectively, and to gain upward mobility in a world market using the English language. Their bigger mission is to lead people to higher ground spiritually by using Bible stories to illustrate the English grammar they teach. It is a blessing in that it opens doors to offer classes in countries where the Bible has been outlawed. www.worldenglishinstitute.net
WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL is one of the most proven, cost-effective means of equipping Christians to fulfill the Great Commission. It has taught millions by mobilizing tens of thousands of volunteer Christians. Churches can use WBS programs to equip their members and involve them in evangelism. WBS can even help congregations connect with seekers in their community… or anywhere on earth! www.worldbibleschool.org
One Time: Some funds are used to support one-time requests as they occur.
SGSO (Serving God by Serving Others) is based in Dallas and helps churches and congregations reach out and provide aid swiftly and more efficiently following a disaster. Their goal is to be on-site within 48 hours... not 2 weeks down the road. Work teams perform the immediate tasks required to stop further damage and return households back to normal as quickly as possible. In addition to furnishing equipment for on-site workers, they provide water, food supplies, and other items for immediate distribution to victims. The current need is to provide relief for those affected by Hurricane Ida (which hit August 29, 2021.)
DAVID & MARY NELSON have lived and worked in New Zealand since 1997. David is the local evangelist for the Otumoetai congregation and serves as the Dean of Academics at the South Pacific Bible College. The Mission Bible Class ministry is spearheaded by Mary Nelson, and provides free children’s Bible class resources, materials, and curriculum via a website www.missionbibleclass.org and YouTube channel www.youtube.com/MissionBibleClass. The MBC website has been visited by 13,146,609 users from over 200 countries to date. The MBC YouTube channel has gained a following of 457,000 subscribers with 2,279,431 views to date, as well.
ROB HINDMAN serves as a Missionary/Minister in Reno, Nevada at a new church plant, 1st Century Church of Christ. They are currently meeting in an office building, online via zoom, and in homes. Their congregation is made up of a variety of ages, from various backgrounds and walks of life. Rob works alongside 2 other ministers - each live and works in Reno, Sparks, Sun Valley, and Truckee area of Nevada. Find out more about Rob and this new, budding congregation on their website at www.1stcentury.church .
GARY AND MICHELLE FORD have started a budding church in Bangkok, made up of young believers and not-yet-Christians. The focus of their mission work is twofold: planting the church and building a Business as Mission (BAM) venture, La Mesa Coffee Co. “We’ve seen God do bigger things than we could have ever imagined ... we see the effectiveness of this BAM approach in reaching Bangkok and the surrounding area by making disciples and showing Christ love.” This venture was only about 18 mos. old when Covid came to Thailand. They were able to make changes and still grow, but recent waves of COVID have had a major impact. Funding is needed to continue the work as the economy recovers. They ask for prayers for wisdom and peace, as well.
CAMBODIA CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES began when Sokhom Hun, an elder in the Cambodian Church of Christ in Balch Springs, Texas, made his first visit back to Cambodia in 2001 since having fled during the Vietnam War. He saw a great need for Jesus. He sold his business and started a preacher training school in Phnom Penh. As it grew, the school-sponsored medical mission trips to rural, tribal areas. When the tribal leaders asked, “Why do you do this? Neither the Buddhists, Hindus, nor the government helps us.” Sokhom’s answer: “We help because we worship the living God.” Tribal leaders began asking if their young men could attend the school. Every 2 years, about 20 new preachers are trained. They return to their villages to share Jesus. Online and on-site classes are available, now, as well. They have 3 full-time doctors at a clinic on the campus and continue to make medical trips and hold gospel meetings in the rural areas each year.
One Time: Some funds are used to support one-time requests as they occur.
GTS Life is driven by a mission to tranform lives by equipping, empowering, and prepaing individuals to GROW in their gifts, THRIVE in their purpose, and SERVE those around them. GTS Life is a Christian ministry that comes alongside individuals, groups, and churches to assist them in unlocking their God-given gifts and purpose. Find out more about this great ministry at www.gtslife.org.
Joel Petty and family have served in Russia and eastern Europe for 24 years in a variety of roles: evangelism, Christian education, as well as leadership and ministry training. They remained in Russia throughout the pandemic, and now feel the Lord leading them to continue to serve in Russia. Their current overseeing congregation is unable to continue to support them financially. They are seeking other churches to help as they continue their ministry work through new and open doors for ministry in Russia and Europe. They will be serving part time with Next Generation for Christ and the Restored and Renewed missionary care ministry.
Bibles written in French are desperately needed in churches of 11 different French-speaking countries. Bibles are being distributed by preaching graduates of Benin Training Center. (Read more about the graduates of the Benin Training Center and more ministry efforts to French Africa through F.A.C.E. ministries @ www.frenchafricanmissions.com.)
The Conversation Group mentors leaders to help them courageously transform their slice of God's world. Through meaningful conversations, relationships flourish and leadership thrives. The conversation is the relationship. With over 40 years of diverse ministry experience, this group provides leaders with mentorship opportunities - their goal is to connect with, coach, and equip leaders. Sessions offer leaders a chance to be heard, understood, and provided with ideas for actions and change.
The Ovilla Church of Christ oversees the work of Claudiu & Anca Murtaza in Sibiu, Romania. Members of the Ovilla congregation visit the congregation in Sibiu to encourage them and to support their annual VBS each summer, and financial support is needed this year to help with travel expenses. The congregation in Sibiu flourishes as the Ovilla church helsp them reach out to the community to teach them about Jesus and to encourage them to follow Him. Please keep both of these congregations in your prayers.
One Time: Some funds are used to support one-time requests as they occurJANUARY 31, 2021 WORLD CARE RECIPIENTS:
The Campinho Church of Christ ("Igreja de Cristo de Campinho")in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was planted by Gordon & Ila Dabbs and their mission team 20+ years ago. It continues to make disciples and grow. Jefferson Ché serves as the leader and preaching minister. The financial impact of the pandemic is taking a toll on the church and it's ministry to their congregation and community.
Bibles written in French are desperately needed in churches of 11 different French-speaking countries. Bibles are being distributed by preaching graduates of Benin Training Center. (Read more about the graduates of the Benin Training Center and more ministry efforts to French Africa through F.A.C.E. ministries @ www.frenchafricanmissions.com.)
God's Children Ministries continues to work with the children in Romania. Though Anne Boyd now has to live in Athens, Greece due to the harsh weather in Romania, the work in Romania continues through her leadership. Much good is accomplished each year through the financial support of Christians worldwide who know and love Anne and admire her work. Pray for Anne and her husband, Ivar, as they continue to serve the Lord together. Read more about this ministry and Anne's work @ http://gods-children.org/
World English Institute teaches English, free of charge. Their desire is to help people communicate effectively and to gain upward mobility using the English language. Their bigger mission is to lead people to Jesus by using Bible stories to illustrate the English grammar they teach. It is able to offer classes in countries where the Bible has been outlawed. Find out more @ www.worldenglishinstitute.net.
One Time: Some funds are used to support one-time requests as they occur.
World Bible School (WBS) is one of the most proven, cost-effective means of equipping Christians to fulfill The Great Commission. It has taught millions by mobilizing tens of thousands of volunteer Christians. Churches can use WBS programs to equip their members and involve them in evangelism. WBS can even help congregations connect with seekers in their community… or anywhere on earth! Find out more @ www.worldbibleschool.org.
World Christian Broadcasting (WCB) exists so that those best served by broadcast media become aware of the Good News of Jesus. WCB's shortwave broadcasting communicates to millions every day. KNLS, located in Anchor Point, Alaska, has been on the air since 1983. An additional station is operating in the region of the Indian Ocean and reaches China, Russia, Africa, and the Middle East. Find out more @ www.worldchristian.org.
Khon Kaen Bible Institute is under the leadership of Kim Voraritskul, and is training preachers with a goal to plant churches across the 20 provinces in Northeast Thailand. Students come from all over the area to learn, study, graduate, and move to one of the provinces to plant a new congregation. The KKBI graduates receive support for 5 years after graduation, and then become supported by their new congregation or their own vocation.
Psalom, an Acapella Spiritual Music Ensemble, brings new music to area churches. As members of the Neva congregation in St. Petersburg, Russian, they are involved in promoting and teaching Acapella music in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Konstantin Zjhigulin, the organizer of the group, composes many of their songs in the more understandable modern Russian language and the songs are gladly used by congregations.
One Time: Some funds are used to support one-time requests as they occur.