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Wednesday Night Small Groups for Grades 7-12

PCYG small groups are places to gain new friendships, learn & practice authentic discipleship, and have LOTS of fun, too. God created us to connect in life-giving relationships. Groups help students build these types of relationships with both Christ-centered adult leaders as well as other students. They are designed to be a mid-week reset button, offering students an authentic source of encouragement, prayer, and support.

Groups meet during the school year on weeknights (usually Wednesdays) in homes around North Dallas, Plano and Richardson, and are grouped by grade level.

Each groups enjoys hanging out and having fun, as well as spending intentional time digging in to the Bible and learning how to be disciples of Christ.

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PCYG Small Groups

Check out a map of the different locations!


Sign up now

We ask all students to sign up each year for the Small Group they'd like to attend.

Click Here to sign up.

8th/ 9th Grade

Meets at a home in North Dallas (Mastalkas) on Weds, 7-8:15pm. Small Group Leaders: Huddlestons & Popes.

Qs about this group? Email Bryan

10th - 11th/12th Grades

Meets at alternating homes in North Dallas (McLain & Wilks) on Weds, 7-8:15pm. Small Group Leaders: Pierces, Lloyd Taylor, Keilly Comix, Julian Trujillo, & Kayla Harper.

Qs about this group? Email Bryan

7th Grade

Meets in alternating homes in North Dallas (Sorrells & Tuckers) on Weds, 7-8:15pm. Small Group Leaders: The Henrys & Hernandezs

Qs about this group? Email Bryan

11th & 12th Grades

Meets in in alternating homes in Plano (Wrights) & Richardson (Robertsons) on Weds, 7-8:15pm. Small Group Leaders: The Whitts & Rebecca.

Qs about this group? Email Bryan

FAQ's about PCYG Small Groups

What are small groups?

Small groups are a middle-of-the-week refreshing get-together, featuring fun, friends, and snacks with a great Bible study.

Students get to know each other better, become accountable, and help meet each other’s spiritual needs.

Bible Study offers time of going deeper into God’s Word and discovering practical applications for our lives.

Who leads the groups?

Each group is anchored and led by adult leaders (both men and women) who guide the discussions and help the group fulfill its purpose. (All adults are vetted before being allowed to volunteer with PCYG.)

When do small groups meet?

Weekly, usually Wed nights 7-8pm, during the school year (Sept-May). Groups dismiss for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break.

On the last week of the month, it's all about food and fun! Groups each pick a spot to meet for dinner in lieu of their usual Bible Study gathering.

How are locations determined?

The goal is for everyone in a group to be about 15 minutes from home. (It's not always possible, but we try!) We take into consideration all student home locations, as well as families willing to host, to pick a central location (as best we can!)

Is everyone assigned to a group?

No! All who are interested in a small group are asked to register in August each year.

Should I be in a small group?

YES! It is one of THE BEST ways to get involved, grow spiritually, and connect with others in the youth group. (...AND they are a LOT OF FUN!)

Have another question? Email Bryan Borden!

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