Spiritual Journey Sample
Each week a template page is provided. You can work through the template each day or find your own structure. Here is an example from Week 6 – Quieting: Rediscover Silence and Solitude.
INVOCATION – An opening prayer or invocation reflects the theme for the week. All prayers are very personal.
READINGS FOR REFLECTION – A short group of readings from writers, both ancient and modern have been collected. All speak to the inner life theme for the week. Some will present new ways to think. Others will confirm thoughts you have had for a long time. Read with a highlighter or pen to mark the insights that are particularly helpful or thought provoking. Don't be in a hurry. Read them slowly and thoughtfully.
HYMN FOR DEDICATION – The hymn can give you language for prayer. If you know the hymn, sing it to God and yourself.
SCRIPTURE FOR GUIDANCE – Short texts from both the Old and New Testaments are provided. They bring the guidance of God’s Word to the week’s theme. One thought question is provided for each day, as well as a place to write down your personal reflections.
DECISION FOR GROWTH – A place is provided for you to craft a statement of decision. What will you put into practice as a result of the reading, praying and thinking you have done each week? What will you change? How have you grown?
INTERCESSION – A place is provided to write down prayer concerns through the week and when the group gathers.
BENEDICTION – A closing prayer is offered to help you move from your personal, inner world back out into the public world.