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Under His Influence

Join us for a 6-part Bible study, “Under His Influence,” as we explore who/what influences our life through scripture. 

Offered by the Adult Education Ministry, this Wednesday evening study will challenge us about influences over our thoughts, decisions, and actions. Using scripture, we will explore our identity, relationships, speech, and more.

 • Men & women will meet alternate weeks

 • Men’s study begins Wed, August 21 

 • Ladies' study begins Wed, August 28

 • Fellowship Hall from 6:45 to 8:00 pm

 • No childcare provided

 • Open to all ages

 • Invite friends, coworkers, and neighbors!

This study is designed to be welcoming to everyone, regardless of background or Bible knowledge. 

Join us as we explore how to continually be Under His influence.

Qs? Contact for more information.