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Walking With Confidence in Times of Chaos

The world is a mess. People are divided into different camps and often see those outside their group with suspicion. And the culture has become more and more hostile toward Christian faith. Many around us wonder, for the first time in history, if the world would be better off without religion. Some of our neighbors are asking questions like, “Doesn’t religion hinder morality?” and “Doesn’t science disprove the Bible?” Christians wonder - "How can I live with a confident faith, love my neighbors, and be faithful to Jesus Christ in these chaotic times?"

Drawing from the book of Daniel, we find that our situation isn’t new at all! The stories of exiles who lived in a culture that was foreign and hostile to their faith, Babylon, can help us find healthy and faithful ways to serve God, and our neighbors in our these trying times. Find out how to walk with confidence in a times of chaos in this series from the book of Daniel.