Hilton Terry Bible School in Kinshasa, D. R. Congo (Africa)
The Hilton Terry Bible School opened in September 2004 for the purpose of training French speaking evangelists. At the time, there was only 1 congregation in Kinshasa with 12 members. The school offers a 3-year program, accommodating approximately 15 students at a time(photo below, right, of the 2023 student group). Each is from a congregation in the DRC that recommended them. The school is in a 3-story facility and includes a dormitory. When students graduate, they return to their respective local congregations they originally came from. As of 2024, 128 students have graduated the HTBS program since it began in 2004. Students become involved in the work of evangelism and church growth, which in turn builds up the local churches. All students work part-time to support themselves. Despite juggling work and studies, many have been successful in planting new congregations. As of 2023, there are now 6 churches in Kinshasa alone with a total of 500+ members in those 6 congregations.
Because of the Hilton Terry Bible School, growth has occurred in the number and size of congregations, as well as across provinces. Democratic Republic of Congo, in area, is almost as large as Europe. Congregations have now been established in 9 of the 26 provinces, and in cities like Kikwit, Kalonda, Masmuna, and Muanda. There is still much work to be done.
Three Bible teachers serve HTBS: Andre Kabeya Manzengele, Willy Mputu Mawete, and Pius Boyambi wa Maluku. Andre has taught at HTBS since it began in 2004.