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Simeon & Maribel Sapon in Chimaltenango, Guatemala (Central America)

Simeon Sapon was born and raised in Antigua. He received his first Bachelor’s in Antigua, and then a 2nd Bachelor’s in Theology in Honduras. He also studied for 2 years in Guatemala City toward a degree in Administration, before moving back to Antigua to preach.

In October of 1996, Simeon married Maribel Racancoj. They moved to Chimaltenango to plant a new church.  They started off having worship services in a rented building on a busy street, which doubled as the site for a weekly medical clinic. The goal was to serve the neighborhood, doubling as a means of outreach. This effort led to many contacts and has been a blessing to his community.

Every year, for the week following Prestoncrest’s summer construction/medical mission trip in Guatemala, Simeon coordinates with preaching students from Guatemala City to knock doors and hold a Gospel meeting. It has been a wonderful way to continue the efforts of the Prestoncrest mission team after their annual week of working at the clinic, with the local children, and doing any construction that was needed.

An excellent song leader as well as a preacher, Simeon is called upon regularly to lead singing at area Gospel meetings, singings and youth campaigns. In addition to his weekly Bible classes and sermons, these activities lead to new contacts and converts. The Church in Chimaltenango has enjoyed a consistent growth and has has been blessed to construct a building where the congregation worships and reaches out to the community.

Simeon and Maribel have two sons, Troyce and Gerson.


Photos from baptisms in Guatemala, as well as the most recent mission trip to Guatemala...

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