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Djonga Feltoing & Enoch Mbaihondoum in Mondou, Chad (Africa)

Djonga Feltoing became a Christian in 1994. He was educated at the Biblical Training Center in Cotonou, Benin, a center run by George Akpablifor French-speaking students. Upon graduating from the Biblical Training Center in Benin, he worked and preached for 6 years in Lagdo, Cameroon, through the support of Prestoncrest.  In 2007, he returned to Chad to begin a mission in the city of Moundou. He established an office for distributing Bible correspondence courses and began preaching on the radio. More than 3,000 have participated in these courses.

Since 2013, Enoch Mbaihondoum has also been working with Djonga. Enoch was also trained at the Biblical Training Center in Cotonou, Benin (2010-13). In 2017, he returned to Jos/Nigeria for his license in biblical ministry (2017-21).

Djonga receives an average of 20 calls and 30 messages per month in two languages: French and Ngambaye. Many listeners have signed up for Bible correspondence courses because of the radio program. Djonga also uses evangelism seminars to spread the gospel in and around Moundou. These seminars have been successful in converting many to Christianity. 

Average Sunday attendance for the original church in Moundou is around 70. A second congregation in Moundou was planted, and 50 faithfully attend there. There is currently an evangelistic effort to plant another congregation in the northern part of Moundou where many young people are moving.
