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Churches Of Christ in the Kikwit Region, D. R. Congo

The Church of Christ was established in Kikwit in September 2020, thanks to Elder Charma Wampie. After serving for 10 years as an Assemblies of God Pastor, Charma was introduced to the teachings of the Church of Christ, and quickly agreed to study and train with Doyle Kee. After Doyle's death, Charma, supported by Doyle’s wife (Barbara), established a congregation in Kikwit. He began proclaiming the good news of the gospel of salvation, which was in stark contrast to the gospel of prosperity and dogmas that are taught in this region. This impacted Kikwit, and the congregation saw very rapid growth. He went to surrounding villages, establishing churches in Missimbi, Ndembo, Camp Ndembo, Mabaya-tatu, Idiofa, Gungu and Nkanga. To these newer assemblies, Kikwit sent preachers and elders to help teach, lead, and guide. As of 2023, over 2,000 Christians are now worshipping in 10 new churches, with 4,000+ attending!

Prestoncrest has a heart to help evangelize in these rural areas of the DRC, supporting churches in these villages as they grow in faith. Prestoncrest has sent 2,000+ Bibles in the French and Kikongo languages. Most Christians in each village now have their own Bible (before, it averaged one Bible for more than 500 people). More than 1,000 are studying the Bible through the Bible courses "What the Bible Says” as was first taught by Charma Wampie in the early days of the original church plantings and expansions. These courses are bringing the gospel to very remote places and strengthening Christians. Prestoncrest provides support for Charma and for the rental of the worship hall for the church in Kikwit.
