Bill & Marie-Claire McDonough in Salzburg, Austria
Born and raised in Idaho, Bill McDonough was called to serve 4 years in the US Air Force and spent 2 years in Japan and Vietnam, plus 18 months in Germany. While on flying status, he traveled throughout the Far East and Europe and worshiped with countless missionaries and national congregations. Because of this experience, following his military service, he decided to dedicate his life to full time missions. He began this journey by first continuing his education at Lubbock Christian and the University of Maryland.
Bill’s first 20 years in ministry were spent in church planting in Bremen and Manheim, Germany. Following this effort, he and his first wife Barbara then spent 10 years leading more than 200 Medical Mission Teams to the Caribbean, Guyana and West Africa. As Communism began to crumble in the ‘80s, Bill lead the first large-scale humanitarian effort of churches of Christ: The Polish Food Relief effort. Once the Iron Curtain came down, they rushed to Romania and Albania and helped plant the first congregations there. His first wife, Barbara, passed away during this time, as well. His next ministry area began as the Lord called him to Cambodia. Bill and his second wife, Marie-Claire, spent 14 years planting churches, caring for orphans and feeding hungry children. During this time, they also built a river-based medical facility, the “Ship of Life,” which sailed the Mekong River, treating more 1 million+ people during the 11 years it was allowed to operate. The church in Cambodia grew from 2 small congregations to 70+ congregations. They then felt the call to assist in Burma, and the McDonoughs worked 4 years to strengthen the church there, and still visit Burma as the church and its members struggle to survive the civil war that rages there. Currently, the McDonoughs live in Salzburg, Austria where they are now working with a group of refugees that have left Islam to follow Christ.