Bible Study Center in Cebu City, Philippines
While in college at Texas A&M University, Barry Murrell met and married the daughter of missionaries to the Philippines, Sherry Wilkey. Barry and Sherry felt the call to continue God’s work in the Philippines and attended the School of World Evangelism before moving to Cebu City in 1980. There they raised and homeschooled 4 children as they ministered and worked for the Lord.
The work in Cebu City continues as 2 of their 4 children, Sara and Amy, are now doing the work their parents began (and grandparents inspired!) in that city. Raised in the Philippines, Sara and Amy both met and married Filipino men, and together they are now all part of the ongoing work there. Kiven and Sara, along with Amy and Gabriel, now run the Bible Study Center their parents founded in Cebu City many years ago. The Bible Study Center offers an organized curriculum of free small group, discussion-oriented Bible classes to the public.
Classes there begin with discussions about where the Bible came from, God‘s authority inside of the message, and how to study it. Students then spend time applying the principles to a series of lessons on Jesus, followed by perspectives of the gospel, each time seeing the details of God’s instructions. The goal is to help people learn to study the Bible so they can dig in and discover God‘s truths for themselves.
Both Sara’s and Amy’s families also help lead the local Church of Christ that was started as the result of the work of the Bible Study Center and many missionaries.
Find out more about these couples and their ongoing efforts… •