PCYG Annual Bake Sale
Fundraiser for Youth Group Summer Missions
Can't make it to the Bake Sale? Donate online!
A designated giving option for the Youth Group Bake Sale for those who ONLY want to donate (not purchase.) Select "YOUTH BAKE SALE" in the dropdown menu.

Every year, our Youth Group helps our church make the holidays a bit “sweeter” with our annual Bake Sale, with 100% of the money going toward our annual Mission Trips.
- Sunday before Thanksgiving
- All items $10 each (additional $ donations are appreciated, too!)
- Donate $ online, too!
- Begins as soon as Early Service is over, and we keep going 'til sold out
- All items baked by our church members and youth group.
Stop by and pick out your favorite items to take to your upcoming holiday meal!