LTC at Prestoncrest
Leadership Training for Christ is one of our FAVORITE programs and we look forward to all the fun and learning we enjoy from it EVERY YEAR!
What is the goal of LTC? To provide students, grades 3-12, interactive ways to develop their understanding and love of God's word, enhance communication skills, develop leadership skills, and help further cultivate their desire to serve others.
How does LTC work? Each year, Prestoncrest enjoys being part of the LTC program and its many events at the Anatole Hotel on Easter weekend. Students in grades 3-12 choose their events and sign up in December. Almost all of our LTC students participate in Bible Bowl, and most choose other events as well. There's no limit to how many events a student participates in. Some events require you to perform/attend on LTC weekend, but others do not. "Submission Events" and "Challenge Events" are projects turned in ahead of time and/or activities completed before LTC weekend. This variety gives each student an opportunity to plug into something they will enjoy!
When is LTC? The LTC convention is held every Easter weekend at the Anatole Hotel. Sign-ups for LTC usually begin in November and end in December. Study sessions, practices and event prep begins in January.
What is Bible Bowl? Students dive in deep to study a chosen book of the Bible. (Specific book changes each year, and is selected by NTLTC.) Each student is given a binder with scripture and study questions. Study/prep sessions are held on Sunday evenings at Prestoncrest starting in January, from 6-7 pm. Prep sessions consist of interactive learning through games, studies, quizzes, friendly competitions and prizes. Study leaders make learning the Bible fun! The actual Bible Bowl EVENT is held at the Anatole Hotel on the Friday of Easter weekend. It is a fun, multiple-choice quiz on Friday evening in the big ballroom at the Anatole. Students test their memory of facts and details they learned. It's a fun, no-pressure quiz that many look forward to every year. (Note: taking the quiz is NOT required to be part of Bible Bowl study/prep sessions at Prestoncrest! Even if students don't plan to take the quiz, they are still welcome to join us for all the fun each week.)
What about other events? LTC offers something for everyone! Events range from independent projects to team events.
- Submission Events: Submission events are completed independently and are submitted about 3 weeks before the convention. Submission events include: Web Page, Essay, Fiction, Impact Video, Poetry, PowerPoint Presentation, Short Film, Song Writing, Video Bible Drama
- Challenge Events: Challenge events are completed before the convention. Completion is monitored by the sponsor. Challenge events include: Bulletin Board, Daily Devotional, Leadership, Outreach, Bible Reading, Scripture, Service, Song Leading, Teaching
- Convention Events: Convention events take place at the Anatole on LTC weekend. Convention events include: Bible Bowl, Puppets, Drama, Chorus, Sign Language, Speech
- Christian Art: Artwork is completed before the convention, but is submitted and displayed at the Anatole on the Friday of LTC. Art Categories include: Computer Generated, Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Display Events, Children’s Book, Scrapbook
Visit ntltc.org/pdf/manual.pdf to see the information pages with full descriptions for each event, and be sure to contact Rebecca if you need more information or clarification, or have any questions!