Annual Golf
Fellowship Event
Prestoncrest's Annual 4-Person Golf Scramble
This fellowship event is open to all church members and their guests. Invite friends! This is a co-ed event for all ages... both ladies and gentlemen are all welcome to attend.
5th Annual Event: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
6th Annual Event in 2025 - date coming soon!
- 8:30 AM shotgun start
- Registration deadline: Sunday, 2 weeks before the event
- 2025 location coming soon!
Cost $100* per person covers:
- Green fee
- Range balls
- Golf cart
- Prestoncrest Golf Shirt
- Lunch after the round
*Note: Non-refundable due to inclement weather
Do I need to put a team 4 players together before I sign up?
Not mandatory, but recommended! Be sure to list the names of the players on your team when you register yourself. Each team member must register separately.
What if I'm a single player?
Single players are welcome, of course! If you are a single player, we will start assigning teams in a few weeks, so sign up NOW.
Is this just for FUN or is it a fundraiser?
This golf tournament is not a fundraiser, but just a day of fun.
Can church members bring guests?
ABSOLUTELY... This is not only a great fellowship opportunity for our church, it is also a great outreach opportunity. Invite friends, co-workers, and neighbors to be on your team!
5th Annual Event: 2024
Enjoy a slideshow of pictures from our most recent event...